For several years, Vietnam has been actively seeking solutions to improve ecological sustainability. In the hope of raising awareness about plastic waste reduction and environmental protection, the "Clean Up Viêt Nam" campaign was launched throughout the country. The main goal is to collect waste and help people to adopt a more ecological way of life.
Since 2020, "Clean Up Vietnam" has become an organization that aims to inspire young people, families, businesses, and the community at large to take action to change their waste management and disposal methods in the country.
About Clean Up Viêt Nam
"Clean Up Viêt Nam" encourages people in various parts of the country to be responsible, take care of the sites in their towns and villages, and clean them up. The association also provides citizens with educational guidance, resources, and tools for local environmental preservation.
Since its creation, volunteers have also been raising awareness about the need to avoid disposable plastic products and plastic bags, a source of considerable pollution.
Clean Up Viêt Nam Campaign
On June 5, 2022, more than 6,000 volunteers gathered to clean up the streets and collect garbage throughout the country. Parents, children, and students from high schools and universities in all regions were also eager to participate in this campaign to celebrate World Environment Day.
The campaign took place in 63 cities and provinces. In Hanoi alone, more than 5 tons of waste were collected on that day. In other regions of Vietnam, participants also collected more than 61 tons of waste in total.
Actions & Projects
In response to this campaign, the organization has evolved into a national project for environmental protection and sustainable development in all regions of Vietnam.
Today, "Clean Up Viêt Nam" continues to use social media platforms to share information on recycling, spread messages to improve sanitation, and organize clean-up days across the country.
The Participation of Phoenix Voyages
As it does regularly, the Phoenix Voyages team participated in the "Clean Up Viêt Nam" campaign. Several employees contributed to the collection and sorting of waste during this day, in order to express its solidarity and support to the active commitment of the organization and the environmental actions undertaken in the country.